Thursday, April 17, 2014


Yes, you can actually win something by reading this blog post! Yet first, some background information!

Around June 2012, something triggered a big change in “my view on life”. It was a book about how to be successful in following your dreams. And although I had encountered many of these similar theories before (and dismissed them as bullshit), this one opened my mind. Moreover, it slammed it open with such force, that it felt like I had seen the light, a new beginning with unlimited possibilities!

Fast forward two years (March-April 2014)

LIFE SUCKS! Almost two years after reading the book about success, none of my predefined goals were achieved. I did not succeed in taking one decent step forward towards achieving the big Vertical Farm dream. In my last blog post, I even claimed that 2014 was going to be the year of success. Yet, shortly after, I hit the ground with the project I had just started. And I hit the ground HARD! My self-confidence was completely gone and I was constantly asking the universe: “Please, give me what I deserve, I've been suffering and trying for 2 years now, and what do I have to give for it? ”. And all of the sudden a funny thing happened; friends, family and the rest of the universe responded...


Was it I that finally started listening?

The truth is that I was a stubborn “jump-on-every-opportunity-without-thoroughly-thinking-it-through newbie”. It made me enjoy a lot of adventures which made me feel awesomely alive. Yet, they also got me into a lot of trouble which in their turn made me feel extremely sad. In the end, I believe I got what I needed: some hard learned lessons and the strength to endure the difficult periods. But what to do now? My long term goal is to lead a company that owns and builds Skyscraper Vertical Farms. However, at the moment there is no short term plan, and therefore I believe I require your assistance!


Win a night out at my expense! Dinner, drinks and maybe even a fiesta! What to do: Give your opinion, advice and/or ideas on how I should move forward in my quest to build a Vertical Farm. The rules are simple: the person with the best contribution WINS!!
Email me at , the deadline is 24 April 2014

Ps1: even if you live on the other side of the world, I'll make it a life's mission to deliver the prize
Ps2: before your submission you are free to ask me any questions you like (no taboos)

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